About Me

I am a third year undergraduate student of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, enrolled in it's Dual Degree course, at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

My interests lie in the field of Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning. I am currently working as a Research Intern at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore under Prof. Rajiv S, on Vision Langauge Models for Image Quality Assessment.

I also enjoy listening to music and playing the keyboard in my free time :)


Attendance Application

An end-to-end solution for professors to take attendance in lectures, with a special focus on avoiding fake attendance (proxies). The project was done as a part of the course CS29202: Software Engineering Lab. Code coming soon..

Music and Text Generation Using Markov Chains

A program that uses Markov Chains to generate music and text, based on a given input. The project was done as a part of the course MA41017: Stochastic Processes.

Auto Following Robot

As the name suggests, a bot that follows a person around, using a Raspberry Pi, an Arduino, a LiDAR sensor, a camera, and a few other components!

Lane Detection

A computer-vision-based lane detection system, using OpenCV and Python.

The RL Agent

Implementation of learning methods like Temporal Difference TD(0) learning and control methods like Q-learning and SARSA on a custom gridworld map and compared their performances to obtain the optimal strategy. Code coming soon...

Brick Smash

A simple game made using Python's Pygame library.

Winterschool 2022 Team Project

This project was done as the final task for the Winterschool 2022 program, and it involved the implementation of various path-planning algorithms like BFS, DFS, Dijkstra and A* on different mazes and maps. Moreover, it also included image recognition for detecting different road signs.